Our Mission
This story illustrates that while kindness toward individuals who suffer is essential, without societal justice to end systemic oppression, the harms will continue. This is why ancient Hebrew prophet Micah wrote: “What does God require of you? To act justly, to love kindness, and walk humbly with your God.”
Thus, REED’s mission is two-part:
To resist exploitation by addressing the male demand for paid sex which currently causes millions of people globally to be trafficked and sexually exploited (Justice)
To embrace dignity by entering into transformative relationships with women who are harmed by the sex industry and lift up the voices of those who are silenced (Kindness)
REED strives to encourage and practice non-violence in all of our work. This includes operating from a position of cooperation with other organizations and a commitment to strengthen on another’s work.
REED honours the dignity of all persons and actively practices a stance of respect and care for all persons with whom we come into contact. This includes holding hope for those who exploit, as well as those who are exploited.
REED firmly believes that action and contemplation must link arms. Through a posture of listening we are grounded in and guided by the Spirit of God.
REED comes from a human rights perspective and places the needs and protection of the woman above other interests.
REED highly values the role of imaginative hope in creating positive change. We participate in times of both public lament and energizing action to spur one another on to imagining new ways of being together as a society.
REED operates from a strengths-based empowerment framework that helps identify and appreciate the unique strengths and abilities of trafficking survivors, staff and volunteers, our partner agencies, and all of our supporters. Through building trust and providing opportunities we show people they can transform their own lives and be agents of positive change.
REED provides outreach through a combination of community education and awareness–raising, as well as direct outreach strategies. We regularly provide friendship to women in the sex industry and respond to crisis calls around sex trafficking.
Systemic and Social Change
REED initiates and drives campaigns to address the status of women and end sexual exploitation. We also educate community groups, churches, service providers, law enforcement and organizations.
REED founded a coalition for the abolition of sex trafficking, participates in two national abolition coalitions, and actively engages in community-building with other local organizations and individuals to affect change.